Navigate your shifting faith with confidence and clarity with the help of private coaching with Kate. This tailored coaching experience offers one-on-one Zoom sessions that provide a judgment-free space to ask questions, explore doubts, and craft a meaningful life beyond your evangelical background.
Shop Books & Bible Studies
Bible Study Bundle
Rediscover the Bible with fresh eyes. Purchase this bundle of all 4 studies and save 25%.
You'll get ...
An Untidy Faith
A gentle guidebook for Christians caught in the "messy middle" of their faith.
In the wake of scandal, culture wars, and abuse, many Christians are wondering whether the North American church is redeemable--and if not, whether they should even stay. While many are answering no to those questions, this book is for those who long to disentangle their faith from all the cultural baggage and recapture the joy of following Jesus.
Speak Up
Learn what God prioritizes by taking a closer look at the stories of the women mentioned in Jesus' genealogy and know how and when to stand up and speak out for justice
Dig deeper into today's hottest topics by revisiting popular proof texts about biblical womanhood, the rapture, sexuality and more to get more context and ask better questions
Faithful Witness
Discover what it looks like to live counterculturally in a world bent on making the church compromise (and the red flags for spiritual health of communities) through John's letters to the churches in Revelation
Children's Bible Stories for Grown-Ups
Revisit familiar stories with more depth and nuance to learn how to wrestle with Hebrew Scripture and God's character
Navigate your shifting faith with confidence and clarity with the help of private coaching with Kate. This tailored coaching experience offers one-on-one Zoom sessions that provide a judgment-free space to ask questions, explore doubts, and craft a meaningful life beyond your evangelical background
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